The business of the SWALSC is managed by or under the direction of the directors. The directors may exercise all of the powers of SWALSC in compliance with the SWALSC rules and the laws of the Commonwealth and Western Australia. In accordance with the CATSI Act and the SWALSC rules, the directors may delegate any of their powers.

The directors appoint a chief executive officer (CEO). The CEO reports directly to the directors. The directors do not concern themselves with the day-to-day management of the offices of SWALSC, this being the sole province of the CEO.

The current directors are:

  • Ballardong member-elected director


  • Gnaala Karla Booja member-elected director


  • South West Boojarah member-elected director

Mr Dennis Eggington (Chair)

  • Wagyl Kaip / Southern Noongar member-elected director

Ms Megan Krakouer

  • Whadjuk member-elected director

Ms Vickey Hill

  • Yued member-elected director

Mr Greg Narrier

  • Expert directors

Ms Debra Fletcher
Mr Stephen Lennon