Gnaala Karla Booja — South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this website may contain images and names of deceased people.

Gnaala Karla Booja

The Noongar Land Estate (NLE), a part of the South West Native Title Settlement, will initially hold up to 300,000 hectares of land allocated as reserve or leasehold and up to 20,000 hectares of land allocated as freehold for cultural or economic development use. The NLE will be held by the Noongar Boodja Trust (NBT) and is intended to provide significant opportunities for the Noongar community to achieve sustainable economic, social and cultural outcomes. The Noongar Land Base Strategy (PDF 152KB) (Annexure J of the Indigenous Land Use Agreements) sets out what land can be allocated and how this will happen.

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH), on behalf of the State of Western Australia, commenced sending formal land offers to the Noongar Boodja Trust on 12 March 2021. In the Wagyl Kaip/Southern Noongar region, this is comprised of 113 parcels of land, totalling almost 20,000ha. Please view our interactive map for the location of these properties.

Not all land identified on the map will be transferred to the trust. Over the coming weeks, SWALSC’s Noongar regional officers will coordinate a field visit on each parcel of land that is being offered. All Noongar people are welcome to attend these field visits to find out more information about the land and provide feedback. Details are listed below.

For more information about a specific parcel of land, please make note of the land parcel PIN number and contact SWALSC on 9358 7400 or email


Located between Paris Road and Grand Entrance, Australind
(PIN 11899778)

A site visit was held on Tuesday, 14 September, 2021.



Bodey St
PIN No: 670175

Corner Jose and Tiller
PIN No: 670169670185, 670187, 670188, 670190, 670191, 670196, 670198, 670200, 670197, 670195, 670194, 670192

End of Noack St
PIN No: 670202, 670204, 670209, 670412 

Corner Noack St and White St
PIN No: 670466, 670473, 670468

Bartram St
PIN No: 670504

Corner Robinson Rd and Lefroy St
PIN No: 670451, 670452, 670454, 670457, 670456

Corner Williams St and Yeo Rd
PIN No: 11856118

All properties in the Brookton townsite were visited on Monday 23 August, 2021.


Lot 200 Olive Ct, Glen Iris
(PIN 11843011)

A site visit was held on Tuesday, 14 September, 2021.


Fourteen Mile Brook Gravesite property, located at the intersection of Fourteen Mile Brook road and the York-Williams Road
(PIN 12324828)

A site visit was held on Thursday, 9 September, 2021.


Located on Montgomery Road, Donnybrook
(PIN 1039142)

A site visit was held on Friday, 10 September, 2021.


Area to the south of the Korijekup Heights development, accessible from the end of Songlark Drive or Rosella Loop, Harvey
(PIN 1311259)

A site visit was held on Friday, 10 September, 2021.


Industrial area located off Graham and Mokine Rd, Narrogin
(PIN 11773845)

A site visit was held on Thursday, 9 September, 2021.


Located on Harris Road, Picton
(PIN 499970)

A site visit was held on Tuesday, 14 September.


Corner Aviation St and Great Southern Hwy
PIN No: 1209680, 1209681

Aldersyde-Pingelly Rd, adjacent to Golf club
PIN No: 12305216

Rennet St and Raglan St
PIN No: 979409, 979632

Quiver St and Quadrant St
PIN No: 979511

Corner Quartz St and Park St
PIN No: 979525, 979524, 979461, 979465, 979466, 979473, 979475

Corner Raglan St and Shire St
PIN No: 979715, 979708

Webb St
PIN No: 979152

Corner Palm St and Queen St
PIN No: 979096, 979095

Balfour St
PIN No: 998197

Kelvin St
PIN No: 998209

All properties in Pingelly townsite were visited on Tuesday 24 August, 2021.


6 and 8 McMahon St, Rockingham
(PIN 369353, 369355)

A site visit was held on Wednesday, 8 September, 2021.


3 Mill St, Wandering
(PIN 470602, 470606)

A site visit was held on Thursday, 9 September, 2021.



Located on the corner of Waterloo Road and the South Western Highway
(PIN 502317)

A site visit was held on Tuesday, 14 September, 2021.


12 parcels located on Narrogin Rd, Williams
(PIN 552623, 552624, 552625, 552626, 552627, 552629, 552630, 552631, 552632, 552634, 552636, 552638)

5 parcels located on Cowcher St, Williams
(PIN 552820, 552824, 552825, 552826, 552829)

59 Richmond St, Williams
(PIN 552763)

Parcel of land located on the Williams River off New St
(PIN 1206556)

All properties in Williams were visited on Thursday, 9 September, 2021.