These are some of the Noongar charitable trust funds that exist for the benefit of eligible members within that agreement group. For more information please contact the Trustee listed.

Noongar Charitable Trust

The Noongar Charitable Trust (NCT) was established to provide relief of poverty, sickness, suffering, destitution, misfortune and helplessness of the Noongar Community. The Trust aims to support projects run by Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations which offer a direct and noticeable benefit to the Noongar community.

The Trust is managed by Equity Trustees separately from SWALSC, with input from an Advisory Council of Noongar People.

The Noongar Charitable Trust provides grants starting from $5,000 to community projects that relate to one or more of the following funding categories:

  • Health - to promote health in the community.  

  • Crisis and Hardship - to provide assistance in a time of urgency. 

  • Aged - to provide for the needs of the elderly and infirm members of the Noongar community. 

  • Housing - provide assistance to the community for housing programs. 

  • Cultural and Heritage (including Traditional Practices) - to provide cultural and heritage benefits to the Community. 

  • Education, Training and Employment - to improve access to education, training, employment and economic and enterprise development opportunities for Noongar people.

  • Children and Youth (0 to 25 years) - to provide for the long term needs of future generations of members of the Community.

If you would like to know more about the grants and how the Trust operates, you can visit the Noongar Charitable Trust webpage.

Ballardong Charitable Trust 

The Ballardong Charitable Trust provides the following support for its members:

A total of $100,000 is available for this policy which is funded from the Funeral Account. 

A payment of up to $2000 may be made towards the funeral costs of a deceased Ballardong Member. 

This policy was created specifically for the payment of funeral director’s costs and AET will make payment directly to the funeral director upon receipt of a tax invoice. Costs can be refunded to any other person upon production of a receipt, however AET will first ensure the funeral director has received full payment before consideration can be given to refunding any individual. 

Costs for a wake cannot be considered within the scope of this policy, nor is assistance available for Members to travel to attend a funeral. 

Applications require approval by a majority of Advisory Trustees before funds can be released. 

Download the application form (235KB).

A one-off payment of up to $500 may be made to a Ballardong Person 60+ years of age. 

This policy was created specifically to acknowledge the contribution of Ballardong Elders in passing on cultural knowledge to the Ballardong Community. For assistance to be considered the applicant must be a Ballardong Person 60+ years of age and have not previously received Elders Assistance from this Trust. 

All applications must be considered at a meeting of the Advisory Trustees. The Advisory Trustees usually meet once every 3 months, but they can also meet more, or less often depending on what other business needs considering. 

Please be mindful that it may take up to three (3) months (approximately) to have your application considered, in some cases.  

Download the application form (262KB).

Ballardong Native Title Charitable Trust distribution policies (146KB).

Managed by Australian Executor Trustees

Level 27, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 | email:  | Phone: 1800 078 680 | Fax:  08 9481 6148 |

View the Ballardong Trust Deed (4.1MB).

Gnaala Karla Booja Charitable Trust 

The Gnaala Karla Booja Charitable Trust provides the following support for its members:

1. Employment and Training 
GKB Members can apply for assistance with training and employment-ready costs such as TAFE, Registered Training Organisations, online courses and work-ready programs. There is no set limit per application and each request will be assessed on its own merit by the Advisory Trustees. 

Funds are available for, but not limited to the following: 

  • Course fees;

  • Course equipment such as safety equipment, clothing, tools, etc;

  • Other associated costs listed by the training organisation;

  • Travel assistance to attend a course, e.g. course is in Perth and Member lives in Collie;

  • Police checks and working with children permits;

  • Truck/ HR licenses and White Card permits; and

  • Business plan funding (initial stages of developing plan only).

All payments made are direct to suppliers only, no cash is paid to members. Primary and secondary school costs are excluded from this policy as it is aimed at those GKB Members wishing to complete training to assist with securing employment.

Download the application form (87.3KB).

2. Community Development
This policy was created to provide financial assistance for local GKB community development projects that align with the trusts Charitable Objects and provide positive outcomes to the GKB Traditional Owner Community. Funds are available for, but not limited to the following: 

  • Community services (including sports-based projects);

  • Community facilities;

  • Regional projects;

  • Capacity building projects; and

  • Promotion and protection of GKB culture

All applications will be considered at a meeting of the Advisory Trustees. If the amount being applied for exceeds $5,000 the Advisory Trustees request the applicant attend their next meeting to discuss the proposal in person before a decision can be made.  

Download the application form (87.3KB).

Gnaala Karla Booja Native Title Charitable Trust distribution policies (156KB).

Managed by Australian Executor Trustees

Level 27, 152-158 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000 | email:  | phone:  08 9481 6148 |

View the Gnaala Karla Booja Trust Deed (1.8MB).

South West Boojarah Trust Fund

The South West Boojarah Trust Fund provides the following support for its members:

  1. Funeral Payment: $1000 per member, monies paid direct to approved funeral home of the family’s choice;

  2. Prescription Glasses: $250 per member; and

  3. Medical Support (for Elders generally): to assist with mobility and chronic medical conditions e.g. gophers/wheelchairs/walking frames, lift beds, sleep apnoea equipment, asthma support.

Managed by Equity Trustees

Client Relationship Manager: Nic Merson (08) 6220 0506
Level 12, 197 St Georges Terrace, Perth | email: | phone: (03) 8623 5000

View the South West Boojarah Trust Deed (2.3MB).

Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Trust Fund

The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Trust Fund offers support for its members:

  1. Elder Payment: a one-off payment of $500 for people aged 60+ years of age; and

  2. Funeral Payment: $3000 per member, monies paid direct to approved funeral home of applicant’s choice

Managed by Equity Trustees

Client Relationship Manager: Nic Merson (08) 6220 0506
Level 3, 28 The Esplanade, Perth | email: | phone: (03) 8623 5000

WKSN Aboriginal Charitable Trust Fund

The WKSN Aboriginal Charitable Trust was established to provide relief from poverty, sickness, suffering, destitution, misfortune and helplessness to the Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar People and to support economic, social, health, educational, cultural and heritage benefits to the Wagyl Kaip and Southern Noongar People.

For more information see the WKSN Aboriginal Charitable Trust website.

The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar – Grant Funding Program is open to:

  1. Registered Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations operating on Wagyl Kaip country;

  2. Family Based Organisations operating on Wagyl Kaip country; and

  3. WKSN Members e.g. Individuals operating on Wagyl Kaip country (must be partnered with dot point 1 or 2)

Funding categories

  • Cultural Heritage and Connection to Country; and

  • Aboriginal Children and Youth (0-25 years)

Managed by Equity Trustees

Client Relationship Manager: Nic Merson (08) 6220 0506
Level 12, 197 St Georges Terrace, Perth | email: | phone: (03) 8623 5000

View the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Trust Deed (5.9MB).

Yued Charitable Trust

The Yued Charitable Trust contributes to the advancement and promotion of Yued People in areas of health, education, employment, social welfare, heritage and culture, the needs of Yued elders, care and protection of Yued boodja. 

The Trust provides Funeral support for its members. A payment of up to $2000 may be made towards the funeral, wake, flowers, clothing and/or eulogy books and other costs associated with the funeral process for a deceased Yued person.

Download an application form (PDF 214KB) and contact for further information.


Managed by Perpetual Limited

Level 29, 2 The Esplanade, Perth WA 6000 | email: | phone: (08) 9224 4449 | web:

View the Yued Trust Deed (2.5MB)