Rule book

Central Services Corporation Rule Book - January 2025 (PDF 2 MB)

The rules that guide how the regional corporation should be run are set out in its rule book. The rule book operates like a contract between the corporation, its directors, and members.

Some rules in the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (CATSI Act) are ‘replaceable’. This means a corporation can either accept the rule or replace it with another rule that better suits its needs and circumstances of that particular corporation.

The regional corporations must also comply with the requirements set out in the ILUA and Trust Deed, and these additional requirements are dealt with in the third column of the below table.

Click here to download a guide (PDF 460 KB) that explains which rules you can change or replace, and which rules you cannot because they operate as set laws or rules under the CATSI Act.

Other useful links

Central Services Corporation Principles (PDF 195 KB)

Noongar Governance Manual (PDF 1.7 MB)

SWALSC Election Manual July 2023 (PDF 470 KB)

Transition Program Documents

Transition Program 1: Establishment of the Regional Corporations (PDF 11.8 MB)


Noongar Boodja Trust: a Community Guide

Noongar Boodja Trust: A community guide (PDF 8.85 MB)

The Noongar Boodja Trust is part of the governance structure for the South West Native Title Settlement (Settlement). The Noongar Boodja Trust will hold, maintain and grow the compensation paid by the WA Government to the Noongar Agreement Groups under the Settlement.

These benefits will be applied to the six Regional Corporations and the Central Services Corporation representing the Noongar Community. This Noongar Boodja Trust community guide (PDF 8.85 MB) sets out a summary of how this trust will be created and managed.

Noongar Boodja Trust Deed

The full text of the Noongar Boodja Trust deed sets out the terms on which the trustee will provide financial support to the six Noongar Regional Corporations and the Central Services Corporation, and the obligations these seven corporations will have to the trustee.

Trust Deed (PDF 1.5 MB)

Related trust documents

Trust Deed Variation Deed (PDF 2.4 MB)

Security Deed (PDF 367 KB)