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Oral Submissions for Special Leave to Appeal to High Court

  • High Court of Australia Australia (map)

SWALSC has been advised that the High Court will hear oral submissions for the applications for special leave to appeal on the 26th of November 2020. It may take the Court a few days to hand down its decision after the hearing on the 26th of November 2020.

If the High Court decides to accept one or more of the special leave applications, then the High Court will hear the appeal at a future date. A decision to hear the appeal would result in further delays as we will have wait for the High Court to conduct a hearing, and then wait for the judges to hand down their written decision.

If the High Court decides instead to reject the special leave applications, then this will be the end of the legal process and we can begin the transition towards implementing the Agreement that was negotiated between the State of Western Australia and the Noongar people.

Earlier Event: 16 November
Later Event: 25 February
Settlement Effective Date