Grants to preserve, promote and protect Aboriginal sites

Grants to preserve, promote and protect Aboriginal sites

The Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has grants available for the management, promotion and safekeeping of registered Aboriginal heritage sites in WA.

Incorporated Aboriginal not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to $30,000 for 'on-the-ground' works including the remediation of burial sites, fence and signage installation, and promotion of cultural information. Projects must include a site registered on the Register of Aboriginal Places and Objects to be eligible for funding.

A total of $250,000 in grants funding is available. The previous 2020-21 funding round awarded grants for heritage projects, preservation, promotion and protection of Western Australia's invaluable Aboriginal heritage, and opportunities for truth-telling, reconciliation and cultural tourism. 

The grants program is administered by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. More information is available at DPLH or by phoning (08) 6551 7920.

Applications are now open and close on October 15, 2021.