The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) is trying to find ways to improve its planning processes, and has established the Management Planning Reform Aboriginal Reference Group to gather ideas and make sure Traditional Owner needs are recognised in management planning.
DBCA is seeking the input of Traditional Owners, Joint and Cooperative Management Partners and other Aboriginal individuals with experience in land and sea management planning, to become a member of this newly formed Reference Group through an Expressions of Interest (EOI).
There are eight (8) positions available.
Your role will be to:
Provide advice on the management planning process and management plans, specifically relating to Joint Management planning.
Share ideas and suggest solutions to improve management planning.
Provide input into the development of communication material, to raise awareness about management planning.
We are looking for people who:
Have experience in planning for land and sea management.
Have an interest in improving the way management planning is done.
Come from a variety of locations across Western Australia.
Are willing to attend three (3) meetings (via Teams) in early 2024, and quarterly thereafter, for two years.
Aboriginality is essential for these positions.
The group will seek to ensure a gender balance, and remuneration will be provided, consistent with DBCA policies.
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Management Planning Reform Aboriginal Reference Group, please send an email to and tell us:
Why you are interested in being on the Reference Group
What is your relevant knowledge or experience?
Which Traditional Owner group/s do you represent?
You can attach a CV if you would like, but it is not essential. DBCA may follow up with additional questions once we have received your application.
Applications close on Monday, 8 April 2024.
If you have any questions please email or phone Helena Waldmann at DBCA on 9219 8224.