Director election update

The election process under the SWALSC rule book for member directors for the Yued, Wagyl Kaip and Gnaala Karla Booja wards was re-commenced in December 2020. The independent Returning Officer has released the following statement in relation to elections for the Wagyl Kaip and Gnaala Karla Booja wards. A further announcement is expected in relation to the Yued ward. 

“I, Thomas Darbyshire have been appointed by SWALSC to be Returning Officer for the director elections for the Wagyl Kaip and Gnaala Karla Booja wards. As more than one eligible nomination has been received for each of these wards, a postal ballot will be undertaken.

The mailout of ballot papers to members of the Wagyl Kaip and Gnaala Karla Booja wards will occur in the week commencing 25 January 2021. Members will receive an election pack containing a reply paid envelope for the return of ballot papers and voter’s declarations. Ballot papers and declarations must be returned to me by 12.00pm on 16 February 2021, after which time I will be undertaking the counting of the votes and the declaration of the election results.

Enquiries about the ballot should be directed to myself, Thomas Darbyshire, Returning Officer, C/- Edwards Mac Scovell, Level 1, 8 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000, (08) 6245 0222,

Thomas Darbyshire

25 January 2021”

23 December 2020