SWALSC directors election update

SWALSC has been advised by the independent Returning Officer of the results of the elections for member-elected Directors: 

“I confirm and formally forward to the South West Land and Sea Council (SWALSC) the results of the Ballot for Directors Election 2020 as certified by Computershare Investor Services Pty Limited who were appointed as the Relationship Manager to oversee the processing, audit and collation of the final ballot result. 

Additionally, I have made recommendations on the Wards that do not have a clear winner. I confirm that the postal ballot closed on Monday, 26 October 2020 with the results which are as summarised below:

Ballardong Ward

  • Barry Winmar was elected by ballot.

Whadjuk Ward

  • Vanessa Kickett was elected by ballot.

South West Boojarah

  • Noelene McCormick was elected by ballot.

Gnaala Karla Booja Ward

  • The vote was tied. By-election recommended to break deadlock.

Wagyl Kaip Ward *

  • Previous declaration rescinded due to legal advice on process. Further election or by-election recommended.

Yued Ward

  • Sole Candidate Withdrawn for personal reasons therefore provisional declaration rescinded. By-election recommended.

* With respect to the Wagyl Kaip ward, the Returning Officer and SWALSC has received legal demands on the conduct of the election process for this ward. At the commencement of the Ballot process the view of the Selections Committee had been that only one candidate John Penny, was eligible to stand. Accordingly, he was provisionally declared the candidate-elect, a decision that would have then been noted (see Rule Book, Rule 9.4.1 (d)) at the SWALSC AGM on the 16th November 2020. Upon receipt of detailed legal advice, I have rescinded my earlier decision on this declaration of John Penny, and have made a new ruling that no candidate be declared for the Wagyl Kaip Ward and have recommended that SWALSC consider a further election process in line with the legal advice received.


Shawn Boyle

Returning Officer”