SWALSC welcomes High Court decision to clear the path to implement the South West Native Title Settlement

South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Chair Vanessa Kickett has welcomed today's decision by the High Court of Australia to dismiss all special leave applications challenging the registration of the six Indigenous Land Use Agreements (ILUAs), that form the South West Native Title Settlement.

The High Court’s decision means that all avenues for review of the Native Title Registrar’s decisions to register the ILUAs in October 2018, have now been exhausted.

The decision clears the path for the conclusive registration of the six ILUAs that underpin the agreement negotiated by the Noongar people and the State of Western Australia.

This negotiated agreement will resolve all native title claims in Noongar country in exchange for a package of land and other benefits worth around $1.3 billion for Noongar people.

SWALSC will now begin the work of preparing for the implementation of the negotiated agreement including the transition to a Central Services Corporation and the creation of six Noongar Regional Corporations that will represent the rights and interests of the Noongar people.

Comments attributed to SWALSC Chair Vanessa Kickett:

“I am delighted that the High Court has decided today to dismiss the applications for special leave to appeal.

“The High Court’s decision today brings to a close five years of appeals to the negotiated agreement that was accepted by the Noongar people in six authorisation meetings in 2015.

“Today I remember the Noongar Elders who fought so long to win justice for our people and who passed before they were able to see this day come to pass and I pay my respects to their memory and the legacy they leave for us.

“On behalf of the SWALSC Board, I ask the Noongar community to accept today’s decision and come together with us as we begin the nation-building task we have ahead of us.

“The path to date has brought many challenges, but we remain focused on honouring the vision of our ancestors, our elders and our communities, whose guidance and dignity inspire us to be strong and proud.

Media contact: Jai Wilson 0427 690 053 or jai.wilson@noongar.org.au