Wagyl Kaip and Gnaala Karla Booja member directors announced

18 February 2021

The independent returning officer yesterday declared the results of the election for member directors for the Wagyl Kaip and Gnaala Karla Booja wards. The election follows no result from the 2020 election for both wards.

Laurence Riley was declared elected as the member director for the Wagyl Kaip ward and Roger Pickett for the Gnaala Karla Booja ward.

Mr Riley said that he was grateful to the members of the Wagyl Kaip ward for putting their confidence in him to progress the implementation of the South West native title settlement.

“There has been a lot of hard work, sacrifice and commitment in getting the deal this far, and I give my undertaking to give every effort in seeing the vision of my old people brought to life.  The deal may not be what some people hoped to receive but it’s all we have right now, and if strategically implemented, all Noongar people and communities will benefit from what’s available to them,” Mr Riley said.

“My priorities will be to re-instil the principles of trust, honesty, and transparency back into the organisation from all stakeholders, but most importantly regain the trust from our people, the Noongar people of this great nation,” Mr Riley said.

“Providing opportunities for decisions made through greater consultation and inclusion will ensure ownership from the people. If we can re-unify our communities, then the opportunities will be endless. I’m looking forward to my term, and to bring about a brighter future for all for many years to come,” said Mr Riley.

Mr Pickett thanked the SWALSC members of the Gnaala Karla Booja ward for their support.

“I would like to say how grateful and appreciative I am of having been given the opportunity to represent our people from the GKB ward,” Mr Pickett said.

“I would like to thank all the members who took the time to vote, twice. I would also like to congratulate the nominees who stood for election as director for GKB and pay my respects for the ongoing contribution they make to our community,” Mr Pickett said.

“I am, and will continue to be, fully committed to giving my all to what is right for us as a people and will do my upmost to help achieve this through my leadership whilst bringing everyone on the journey together equally,” said Mr Pickett.

SWALSC Chairperson, Vanessa Kickett, congratulated Laurence Riley and Roger Pickett on their election and welcomed them as directors.

“I would like to congratulate Laurence Riley and Roger Pickett on their election and welcome them both as directors for SWALSC.  I would also like to thank the other candidates who put themselves forward for consideration by our community,” Mrs Kickett said.

“The appointment of Mr Riley and Mr Pickett means that SWALSC now has a full complement of directors.  I look forward to working closely with all the directors as we work to implement the South West Settlement for the benefit of all Noongar People,” said Mrs Kickett.

Media contact: Jai Wilson 0427 690 053.