Yued member-elected director announced

Brendan Moore has been elected unopposed as the member-elected director of SWALSC for the Yued ward.

The independent Returning Officer declared Mr Moore elected after conducting a nominations process for the ward after no nominations were received for the ward in the 2020 elections.

Mr Moore has served previously as a member-elected director for the Yued ward and brings this experience with him to the role.

Mr Moore was born in Moora, in the heart of Yued Boodja, and grew up on a farm in Dandaragan with his four siblings. Brendan has a Bachelor of Applied Science, a Masters of International Studies, and is an Associate Fellow Australian Institute of Management.

Brendan is committed to taking a hard line against racism, encouraging opportunity, sticking up for the oppressed, and empowering his fellow countrymen.

“I thank the Yued people for supporting my nomination as the Yued member-elected director, and with your continued support and trust, the future is ours for the taking. I know we can do anything if and when we work 100% together,” Brendan Moore said when informed of his election.

SWALSC Chair, Vanessa Kickett welcomed Mr Moore’s election, “I welcome Brendan Moore to the board of directors for SWALSC, and look forward to working closely with him and the other directors as we work to implement the South West Settlement for the benefit of all Noongar People”.

The election for the remaining two member-elected directors for the Gnaala Karla Booja and Wagyl Kaip wards are currently underway, with ballot papers and declarations due to be returned to the independent returning officer by 12.00pm on 16 February 2021. 

Enquiries about the elections for the member-elected directors for the Gnaala Karla Booja ward and Wagyl Kaip ward should be directed to the independent returning officer, Mr Thomas Darbyshire, Returning Officer, C/- Edwards Mac Scovell, Level 1, 8 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000, (08) 6245 0222, Tom.darbyshire@emslegal.com.au.

Contact: Jai Wilson, 0427 690 053