Call for members of the SWALSC Heritage Consultant Selection Panel (HCSP)


The South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (SWALSC) has obligations under the Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement (NSHA), Noongar Alternative Heritage Agreement (NAHA) and various hybrid heritage protection agreements (HPA) entered into by SWALSC, for and on behalf of the Native Title Claimant Groups/Native Title Agreement Groups, and various proponents to assess and assist with the proponents’ heritage survey requirements.


The Heritage Consultant Selection Panel (HCSP) is a credible, respected decision-making body that will, from time to time, convene to assess proponents’ heritage survey requests (Activities) and to select Noongar persons with appropriate connection and cultural knowledge of the areas to be surveyed, to serve as Heritage Consultants. Decisions by the HCSP will be founded on cultural knowledge held by those serving on the HCSP and will be exercised in a manner that fosters respect and credibility for the decision-making process whilst ensuring the ongoing preservation and integrity of Noongar culture and heritage.

Committee Composition

The HCSP is comprised of Noongar community Elders/knowledge holders from each of the six Native Title Agreement Groups. A gender balance has been applied to the make-up of the HCSP. Members of the same family cannot serve on the HCSP at the same time (for example, mother and son, brother and sister, husband and wife etc.)


Role and responsibilities of members on the HCSP

Members serving on the HCSP are expected to consider information on the proposed activity, research advice from SWALSC, and other relevant information and to nominate appropriate knowledge holders to attend a survey. Furthermore, HCSP Members must be capable of working as a team. 

Membership requirements

To be eligible to serve as a member of the HCSP, the Noongar person must:

  • be recognised as a Noongar community Elder/knowledge holder and well respected by the Noongar people;

  • hold the necessary cultural authority;

  • hold cultural knowledge of Noongar heritage sites and places across Noongar Country; and

  • identify Noongar people who have the knowledge of specific areas of Noongar Country and who can speak for country.


Cultural Consultants attending a HCSP meeting will be paid a daily consultation fee of $526.78 including superannuation. In addition, lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day. 

Time commitment and Term

The HCSP will convene not less than 12 times per year. Depending on demand for heritage surveys to be undertaken across the six Claim/ILUA Agreement Areas, additional HCSP meetings may be scheduled.

HCSP meetings will be held at the SWALSC offices or such other venue as advised from time to time. Cultural Consultants also have the option to join the HCSP meetings online.

The term of appointment is for a period of up to one year. The establishment of the Noongar Corporations may lead to a change/shortening of the duration of a term. Community Elders/knowledge holders serving as HCSP members will, for the duration of their tenure, not be eligible for selection as Heritage Consultants on surveys in respect of any Activities being attended to by the HCSP.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

The HCSP will be constituted through the calling for expression of interest from Noongar persons to serve as a HCSP member.

All EOIs received on or before the specified closing date will be assessed against the Membership Requirements by a SWALSC sub-committee following which the sub-committee will nominate for appointment an additional community Elders/knowledge holder for the South West Boojarah and the Yued Native Title Agreement Groups.

The selected community Elders/knowledge holders will be invited to either accept or decline their nominations.

How to apply

Applicants should fill out the EOI Form and provide SWALSC with a brief statement explaining why they believe they would be suitable to serve as a Member on the HCSP. Please return the EOI form:

By email:

By mail:             PO BOX 6383 | EAST PERTH WA 6892

By hand:           Level 2, 100 Royal Street | EAST PERTH WA 6004

If you have any further questions, please contact SWALSC on 9358 7400.

Closing Date

The closing date for expressions of interest is Monday, 7 February 2022.