Noongar Economic Steering Group meets for the first time

The South West Native Title Settlement continues to reach significant milestones, with the inaugural meeting of the Noongar Economic Participation Steering Group signalling the start of the Noongar Economic Participation Framework.

The first meeting of the Noongar Economic Participation Steering Group was held last month, comprising the Chief Executive Officers of the six Noongar Regional Corporations and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council (SWALSC), and representatives from Western Australian Government agencies.

SWALSC Chief Executive Officer, Vanessa Kickett, welcomed the exciting opportunity to work together.

“A key focus of the newly established Noongar regional corporations is to empower Noongar people and develop economic, social and community outcomes. The Noongar Economic Participation Steering Group is an exciting opportunity for us to work together and build a solid framework for this important work.” said Vanessa.

“SWALSC, as the Central Services Corporation, will work closely with the six regional corporations to assist in achieving their mission and maximising outcomes of the Settlement. This will contribute to our overall goal to build a robust and unified Noongar Nation.”

Read more in the media statement.