Campaign to stop the destruction of Aboriginal heritage sites

The WA government is rushing though its proposed Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act, without proper consultation with Aboriginal people. It will not stop the destruction of heritage sites.

SWALSC has partnered with members of the WA Alliance of Native Title Representative Bodies and Service Providers on a shared campaign to demand stronger heritage protections that put Aboriginal people at the centre of decisions about their land.

On the weekend we launched our campaign with a full page ad in The West newspaper, to let the people of Western Australia know that the draft Bill being rushed through Parliament will not stop the destruction of Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Aboriginal people have a Heritage Protection Plan that will stop the destruction without stopping development.

A website has been created to help you explain the problems with the draft Bill to your networks, and encourage them to join us in the campaign to stop the destruction. Part of this includes writing to the Premier using the email details at the website.

We are also asking people to march with us on 23 October at the ‘Protect Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Walk’.