ILUA Authorisation Meeting — South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council

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ILUA Authorisation Meeting

Authorisation meeting concerning the proposed Helena and Aurora Range National Park and the Die Hardy Range National Park in the Marlinyu Ghoorlie and Karratjibbin People Native Title Claim areas.

Marlinyu Ghoorlie people and Karratjibbin people are invited to attend.

Date:                        Tuesday, 14 January 2025
Main venue:             Goldfields Arts Centre, 35 Cheetham Street, Kalgoorlie
Alternative venue:     Ceduna Foreshore Hotel, 32 O’Loughlin Terrace, Ceduna
Time:                       10:00am Kalgoorlie/ 12:30pm Ceduna
Registration:             From 9:00am Kalgoorlie/ 11:30pm Ceduna

This is a meeting to consider authorising an Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) for the creation of the proposed Helena and Aurora Range National Park and Die Hardy Range National Park and the classification of each of these parks as “Class A” reserves under the Land Administration Act 1997 (WA), and for the validation of the Mount Manning Range Nature Reserve (Crown reserve 36208).

Each of these places is within the Marlinyu Ghoorlie (WAD 647 of 2017) and the Karratjibbin People (WAD 30 of 2022) native title claims and members of these claims as described below are invited to attend.

The parties to the proposed ILUA will be the registered claimants for the Marlinyu Ghoorlie claim, the State of Western Australia, the Minister for Lands, the Conservation and Parks Commission, and the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).

Download: ILUA Authorisation Meeting Notice
