Chair of the Marine Park Community Reference Committee

Work is underway for a review and proposed expansion of Marmion Marine Park, WA’s first marine park, located on Perth's doorstep.

DBCA are seeking applications from Noongar people (preferably Whadjuk) for the role of chair of the Marine Park Community Reference Committee, as well as expressions of interest for members of the committee.

Click here for more information on how to apply.


Marmion Marine Park is situated between Trigg Island and Burns Rocks, encompassing approximately 9500 hectares. It was gazetted in 1987 as Western Australia’s first marine park, with management guided by the Marmion Marine Park Management Plan (1992-2002).  

A review of the management plan was recommended by the then Marine Parks and Reserves Authority in 2012, and the Office of the Auditor General in its 2016 report Management of Marine Parks and Reserves. The management plan is outdated and was not underpinned by an outcome based, adaptive management framework. The review was recommended to allow for consideration of the changing pressures and uses and increased visitation to the area.  

In 2019, development approval for Ocean Reef Marina required the excision of 143 hectares from Marmion Marine Park enacted through the Reserves (Marmion Marine Park) Act 2019. This triggered a review of the management plan to reflect the excision as well as the proposed extension of the marine park, as a commitment under the State Government’s Plan for Our Parks initiative.  

A new management plan will put in place a contemporary management framework to conserve the ecological, social, and cultural values of the area, while allowing for sustainable use and planning for the predicted increased use of the area.