Aboriginal Rangers Program: Policy and Projects Officer

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions is seeking applications for a Policy and Projects Officer in the Aboriginal Rangers Program.

This role assists in implementing the Western Australian Government’s $50 million Aboriginal Ranger Program (ARP) by working cooperatively with the ARP team, ARP reference group, government departments and the broader stakeholder network operating in the Aboriginal ranger sector to identify and support development of pilot projects and partnerships for the ARP Innovation Fund. This will include facilitating partnerships with government and the private sector which encourage ranger career opportunities, and support pathways towards business maturity.

As part of the ARP team, assists with funding contract development and oversight, and the development of processes and review of outcomes to improve the delivery of the ARP.

This is a 24 month full time position, based in Kensington.

For more information visit the Jobs WA website.

Applications close Wednesday 25 May.