New CEO welcomed to Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Boodja

The Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation welcomes Lisa Smith as its inaugural CEO.

Lisa joins the organisation as a contract CEO for an initial 12-month period to lead the operational set-up of the Corporation. With a background in enterprise and small business, having previously run her own successful business consultancy, and supporting local small businesses through her immediate past position as CEO of the Albany Chamber of Commerce and Industry, she looks forward to building on her networks in Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar (WKSN) Boodja for the benefit of Corporation.

“I’m excited to be back working in the Wagyl Kaip region, and to build on the strong relationships that I established through my previous role,” Lisa said.

“I’m honoured to be involved at the start of the journey for the Corporation and to support Noongar people in the self-determination of their future.”

Lisa, born in the UK was raised by her adoptive parents who were missionaries. During her formative years, she spent some time living in the Ivory Coast. Lisa has subsequently met her biological family and connected with her West African and Welsh roots.

“For the first few decades of my life, not knowing who I was, my ethnicity – I feel I have an understanding of lost culture,” Lisa said.

“I have been fortunate to meet by biological family, and I have spent time connecting with my Jamaican culture particularly on my paternal side.”

Lisa moved to Australia in 2005, and her passions now lie in mentoring others and creating community connections.

“My passion is around possibility,” she said. “There is so much opportunity available to Noongar people right now because of the Southwest Native Title Settlement across the community and across the land, and I feel privileged to be part of bringing the Corporation into operation.

“I’m looking forward to getting out on country and developing rich engagement with the WKSN community. I’m keen to fully understand what they want to see for the Corporation, and for Noongar people”.

With a CEO now in place, the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation will focus on its strategic goals, including around land management, cultural heritage, and advocacy and leadership opportunities for Noongar people.

Specifically, recruitment for an Executive Assistant and an Administrator will commence immediately.

“I am looking forward to building the team and working closely with our member elected directors,” Lisa said.

Jeanice Krakouer, Chair of the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar Aboriginal Corporation, on behalf of the Board of Directors is pleased to welcome Lisa into the role.

“Lisa comes to us as CEO with a great amount of experience as well as previously built networks in the Wagl Kaip region,” Jeanice said. “She is a highly skilled leader and mentor who we are thrilled to have working with us.

“We welcome Lisa to the Corporation and to this beautiful and vast Wagyl Kaip Noongar Boodja. The lines of communication are open and we look forward to working with everyone.”

The WKSN Board and Cultural Advisory Committee will be in Albany on Monday 20 March for their inaugural joint meeting.

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