SWALSC announces resignation of CEO, Ed Armstrong

The SWALSC board announce CEO Ed Armstrong has advised his resignation as CEO of SWALSC, effective 23 March 2023.

SWALSC chair, Brendan Moore, paid tribute to the exceptional work of Ed Armstrong following the announcement.

Brendan said, “The board appointed Ed as CEO of SWALSC two years ago during a period of very difficult, challenging and uncertain times for SWALSC. Under Ed’s inspirational leadership and vision, along with his drive and passion for positive change, he was instrumental in leading the significant change required at SWALSC from a Native Title rep body and driving the implementation of the South West Native Title Settlement.”

Ed’s notable achievements include rebuilding the SWALSC workforce and organisational culture, undertaking substantial community engagement, implementing new finance and HR systems, implementing a strong governance framework and working with the board to develop a new strategic plan with all the changes necessary for SWALSC being endorsed as the Central Services Corporation by the Community, State and Noongar Boodja Trust.

Brendan continued, “Other achievements include securing funding to assist with the implementation of the Settlement, recently securing a metropolitan ranger program employing 11 Noongar trainees, establishing the six regional corporations, advocating strongly for the protection of Aboriginal Culture and Heritage as a key stakeholder in the campaign against the new Cultural Heritage Bill and recently working with the board to secure the AIATSIS conference to be held on Whadjuk Noongar boodja later this year.”

Ed said it has been a privilege to work at SWALSC and with the Noongar community.

“I would like to thank the SWALSC board for their ongoing support in achieving the significant transformation and outcomes across the past two years. I would like to acknowledge the support from key stakeholders, in particular NIAA, the State Government and the Noongar Boodja Trust.  

“Most importantly, I would like to acknowledge and thank all the staff at SWALSC for their relentless dedication, support and passion in driving outcomes for the Noongar community. Without this incredible team we could not have achieved the significant outcomes across the past couple of years.”

The board will now commence the recruitment process for a new CEO and appoint Deputy CEO, Vanessa Kickett, as Interim CEO following Ed’s departure on 23 March 2023.  

Brendan said “Vanessa brings extensive corporate, native title, community and stakeholder engagement to SWALSC and has been critical in the implementation of the Settlement over the past two years.  

 “Vanessa will commence in the role on 24 March 2023 and looks forward to continuing the work with the SWALSC board, staff and stakeholders to ensure the important next phase of deliverables for the Settlement.”

Media contact: Heather Dowling, 9358 7400 heather.dowling@noongar.org.au