
Notice of nomination period for Yued regional corporation

The first round of membership applications for Yued Aboriginal Corporation have now been processed, and nominations will open for the board of directors and cultural advice committee. You may apply for both positions, however, you can only serve in one of them if successful. Please read the descriptions below to help you decide which role will best suit you. Eligible members will receive notification of their membership status in the next week, along with the below nomination information.


If your interests, skills and experience include strategic planning, corporate management, finance, compliance, risk management, education & training or economic development, you may consider nominating for the board.

Nominations will open on Friday, 11 February 2022, and interested candidates must submit their completed Nominations Pack to the Returning Officer by post or email until 12 noon on Friday, 11 March 2022.  

By post: PO BOX 761 MT LAWLEY WA 6929
By email

Candidates must contact the independent Returning Officer in order to receive a nominations pack. This pack will contain all the required information which the candidate needs to complete to be eligible for nomination.

National Police Certificate (NPC):

Candidate nominations must include an acceptable NPC which is no more than 12 months old at the time of close of nominations. Acceptable NPCs are issued by the WA Police (or other applicable state police) and can take 2-3 weeks from application. 

Application forms for an NPC can be obtained from Australia Post outlet, OR online at WA Police or Australia Post.


If your interests, skills and experience are related to culture, community development, heritage protection, and identifying cultural lands suitable for selection under the Settlement, you may consider nominating for the cultural advice committee.

Each regional corporation will be expected to support and promote the work of their cultural advice committee, and be guided by them when making decisions about country and culture.

Nominations for the cultural advice committee are now open, and will close on Friday, 11 March 2022. The initial directors will assess the eligibility of nominees, and if there are more than the required number, a ballot will be held at the first general meeting. 

If you have further questions about the cultural advice committee, call SWALSC on 9358 7400 or email  

N.B. This process will commence for SWB in the next few weeks.

Call for members of the SWALSC Heritage Consultant Selection Panel (HCSP)


The South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council Aboriginal Corporation (SWALSC) has obligations under the Noongar Standard Heritage Agreement (NSHA), Noongar Alternative Heritage Agreement (NAHA) and various hybrid heritage protection agreements (HPA) entered into by SWALSC, for and on behalf of the Native Title Claimant Groups/Native Title Agreement Groups, and various proponents to assess and assist with the proponents’ heritage survey requirements.


The Heritage Consultant Selection Panel (HCSP) is a credible, respected decision-making body that will, from time to time, convene to assess proponents’ heritage survey requests (Activities) and to select Noongar persons with appropriate connection and cultural knowledge of the areas to be surveyed, to serve as Heritage Consultants. Decisions by the HCSP will be founded on cultural knowledge held by those serving on the HCSP and will be exercised in a manner that fosters respect and credibility for the decision-making process whilst ensuring the ongoing preservation and integrity of Noongar culture and heritage.

Committee Composition

The HCSP is comprised of Noongar community Elders/knowledge holders from each of the six Native Title Agreement Groups. A gender balance has been applied to the make-up of the HCSP. Members of the same family cannot serve on the HCSP at the same time (for example, mother and son, brother and sister, husband and wife etc.)


Role and responsibilities of members on the HCSP

Members serving on the HCSP are expected to consider information on the proposed activity, research advice from SWALSC, and other relevant information and to nominate appropriate knowledge holders to attend a survey. Furthermore, HCSP Members must be capable of working as a team. 

Membership requirements

To be eligible to serve as a member of the HCSP, the Noongar person must:

  • be recognised as a Noongar community Elder/knowledge holder and well respected by the Noongar people;

  • hold the necessary cultural authority;

  • hold cultural knowledge of Noongar heritage sites and places across Noongar Country; and

  • identify Noongar people who have the knowledge of specific areas of Noongar Country and who can speak for country.


Cultural Consultants attending a HCSP meeting will be paid a daily consultation fee of $526.78 including superannuation. In addition, lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day. 

Time commitment and Term

The HCSP will convene not less than 12 times per year. Depending on demand for heritage surveys to be undertaken across the six Claim/ILUA Agreement Areas, additional HCSP meetings may be scheduled.

HCSP meetings will be held at the SWALSC offices or such other venue as advised from time to time. Cultural Consultants also have the option to join the HCSP meetings online.

The term of appointment is for a period of up to one year. The establishment of the Noongar Corporations may lead to a change/shortening of the duration of a term. Community Elders/knowledge holders serving as HCSP members will, for the duration of their tenure, not be eligible for selection as Heritage Consultants on surveys in respect of any Activities being attended to by the HCSP.

Expression of Interest (EOI)

The HCSP will be constituted through the calling for expression of interest from Noongar persons to serve as a HCSP member.

All EOIs received on or before the specified closing date will be assessed against the Membership Requirements by a SWALSC sub-committee following which the sub-committee will nominate for appointment an additional community Elders/knowledge holder for the South West Boojarah and the Yued Native Title Agreement Groups.

The selected community Elders/knowledge holders will be invited to either accept or decline their nominations.

How to apply

Applicants should fill out the EOI Form and provide SWALSC with a brief statement explaining why they believe they would be suitable to serve as a Member on the HCSP. Please return the EOI form:

By email:

By mail:             PO BOX 6383 | EAST PERTH WA 6892

By hand:           Level 2, 100 Royal Street | EAST PERTH WA 6004

If you have any further questions, please contact SWALSC on 9358 7400.

Closing Date

The closing date for expressions of interest is Monday, 7 February 2022.

Notice of nomination period for new regional corporations

The first round of membership applications for Ballardong, Kada-Moda Maambakoort, Wagyl Kaip and Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporations have now been processed, and nominations will open for the board of directors and cultural advice committee. You may apply for both positions, however, you can only serve in one of them if successful. Please read the descriptions below to help you decide which role will best suit you.

A mailout to new members of the four corporations will arrive in the next week. Yued and SWB will announce their nomination dates in the coming weeks.


If your interests, skills and experience include strategic planning, corporate management, finance, compliance, risk management, education & training or economic development, you may consider nominating for the board.

Nominations will open on 24 December 2021, and interested candidates must submit their completed Nominations Pack to the Returning Officer by post or email until 12 noon on Friday, 28 January 2022.  

By post: PO BOX 761 MT LAWLEY WA 6929
By email

Candidates must contact the independent Returning Officer in order to receive a nominations pack. This pack will contain all the required information which the candidate needs to complete to be eligible for nomination.

National Police Certificate (NPC):

Candidate nominations must include an acceptable NPC which is no more than 12 months old at the time of close of nominations. Acceptable NPCs are issued by the WA Police (or other applicable state police) and can take 2-3 weeks from application. 

Application forms for an NPC can be obtained from Australia Post outlet, OR online at WA Police or Australia Post.


If your interests, skills and experience are related to culture, community development, heritage protection, and identifying cultural lands suitable for selection under the Settlement, you may consider nominating for the cultural advice committee.

Each regional corporation will be expected to support and promote the work of their cultural advice committee, and be guided by them when making decisions about country and culture.

Nominations for the cultural advice committee are now open, and will close on Friday, 28 January 2022. The initial directors will assess the eligibility of nominees, and if there are more than the required number, a ballot will be held at the first general meeting. 

If you have further questions about the cultural advice committee, call SWALSC on 9358 7400 or email  

Nominations open for the Yued Trust Advisory Committee

The Trustee for the Yued Charitable Trust is calling for nominations for the Yued Trust Advisory Committee (TAC). The current Yued TAC terms expire 9 January 2022. 

The Yued TAC has 6 vacancies that need to be filled in 2022. Terms are for 3 years, and TAC Members cannot serve consecutive terms. 

Consider nominating yourself for the Yued TAC to lead and represent Yued people in decisions that will affect trust distributions and the development of new policies to serve Yued people. 

To be eligible for the Yued TAC, you need to be able to demonstrate: 

  1. Yued Connection 

  2. Financial literacy 

  3. Leadership experience 

  4. Have no criminal convictions relating to fraud, or a civil offence other than traffic 

  5. No conflicting commitments with that of the Trustee. 

Time commitment will be quarterly for committee meetings. However, it is expected that you are available to assist in developing and finalising a range of important deliverables, including the strategic plan, the budge, the distribution policies, and annual plan. 

This role is remunerated, and travel allowance is available to TAC Members who need assistance to attend meetings in line with ATO standard rates. 

Please contact the Trustee for more information on how to nominate yourself, and what other criteria are involved in the nominations process. 

Download a nomination form here. Please submit before: 17 January 2022 

Post: GPO Box A3, Perth WA 60001 or Email: 

Kind regards, 

Taliah Payne 
Senior Trust Manager – Native Title 
Phone: (08) 9224 447 

Download a pdf flyer of this announcement.

Download a nomination form.


The cut-off date for memberships of the GKB, Ballardong, Whadjuk and Yued regional corporations will be Wednesday 1 December, and Friday 3 December for Wagyl Kaip.

You will need to have your membership application in by 1 December in order to be eligible to nominate for the board or cultural advice committees, to vote in the first elections, and to attend the first general meeting.

Click here to apply online, or contact SWASLC to arrange a printed form.

Applications open for WKSN Education, Health & Wellbeing Fund:

WKSN & Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations
Education, Health & Wellbeing fund

Funding is now available under Ravensthorpe Operations Agreement with First Quantum Minerals Limited (ROA) to support Wagyl Kaip people with education, health & wellbeing in the form of scholarships or grants.

Download the application forms here or contact the Noongar Development Officer to have a copy sent to you:

Applications for this round of funding will close Friday 31 December. Email your completed application forms to:

Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar & Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations Noongar Development Officer

The Ravensthorpe Operations Agreement (ROA) Relationship Committee, which includes Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar members, is funded through the Ravensthorpe Operations Agreement (ROA).

The Relationship Committee has engaged a Noongar Development Officer to promote employment and business opportunities for members of the Wagyl Kaip Southern Noongar community and to coordinate the operations of the relationship committee. 

Graeme has over 10 years’ experience in mining as a FIFO, and is available to discuss employment and business opportunities in the mining sector on country.

Noongar Development Officer

Graeme Miniter
DPIRD Office, at 444 Albany Highway, Albany
Mobile: 0484 271 218

Close of regional corporation membership rolls

The cut-off date for memberships of the GKB, Ballardong, Whadjuk and Yued regional corporations will be Wednesday, 1st December.

You will need to have your membership application in by the 1st December in order to be eligible to nominate for the board or cultural advice committees, to vote in the first elections, and to attend the first general meeting

Click here to apply online, or contact SWASLC for a printed form.

Indigenous Apprenticeships Program 2022

Indigenous Apprenticeships Program 2022

The Indigenous Apprenticeships Program (IAP) plays a pivotal role in increasing Indigenous employment opportunities across the APS.

Since 2015, the IAP has given over 1,500 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people opportunities to join the APS. These are people with diverse backgrounds, including people leaving school, finishing study or looking for a new career.

Apply online from 4 to 29 October 2021.